Korean literature Çѱ¹ ¹®ÇÐ "HEORIBARAM" -Yeungkwan Kim's fiction- ISBN 89-7954-002-7 ... Korean novels south korea's literature of novelist Yeung


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Here Fictions !!

Korean novels

I am a Korean novelist YoungKawn Kim.

Hi, Seoul is 10,000,000 people , I think over.

this is a my new fiction.


The dog and me

Man is like a dog. men are like dogs. why? because when they meet, thet are going to fight, eachother,

men in mind and on face, dog barking.....

I think it is all same to a man and a dog.

I think we are not good and not upper class than dogs, except little man and woman...

here again...

I am listening the classic gold, even though I am a dog, i like pop songs oldies but

goodies....because - this word is not good starting- the oldies makes me happy, to remember

me that days, ..

to be continued...

again, today seou is very hot, 35'c..wou!! I am a writer.. novelist, wrote one just book of

korean fiction....not very sold.. did not make money...so poor in mind and at fact at home, poor.

But there are more people, who more poor than me, so I must say I am rich....just in mind.

Oh, ye, I am a dog, not god...but a dog that think much, too much...

interesting? so more to continue, no? then I must stop this cool story...

anyway, do not go away..

I come back!! because I do not love you....


I am not barking loudly, why? coward...so not barking...egoism of me has been continued.

because of no reason....hoohoo, hoo.

So ,I am not so bad dog...

interesting? I am not...because it is deep night, now... reason is so simple, always....

Are you thinking that this is a fiction , or essay? or lower class writing?

It is important to me, even though not important to you...yes,, I think this is not

important writng, but the life is important.. see your mother or son or daughter....

today stop here......

.....good morning today is 1999/ Aug. 18th in Korea...

a little cool windy summer, better than yesterday, so i feel better than yesterday..

so simple, me and the life...are you not think so?

There are always good dogs and people around us......so try to be good people.

let's try to be so....

oh, i forgot that i was a dog..

a little good, some bad, coward dog,, not god...i sometimes think i am a god...

so i said like god, not acting like god...interesting?

then read this...not interesting, no more read this dog fiction.

.....see you soon....

last night, I was very angry, because of my fault...

I cry out to my family, so...so....

It was my mistake.....soryy for all, really I was fool....fool dog. no, I was not a god.

yes, just a dog, barking, a angry aniaml, a dog....not wise ...sorry to all.

I have thought I have been a fun dog, good and wise, but I was not so last night.

Yes, I am a just dog, not man.

I am tired out..everyday...

now just take a rest, but I must go to teach, I like to write like this, resting..

but I can not, just for all, I must endure myself......see you later...

....Hi, a little time no see you.

I am idle and sleepy dog, you know, oh you do not know...

the happy dog or the sad dog?

Sad? no it's a lie, because you are eating everyday, drink every day, meet your family,

why are you sad?

it is a lie, lye?

the truth is I am a idle dog, somtime brave, I dislike the false and the untruth.

I like the justice... good soecity.. good human around...

but there are so many bad leadres around us, that is the problem !!

why the many leaders are bad?

it is the big problem that they are the leaders....

Oh, I forgot I was a dog..sorry. the dog so to cry out is noisy, is'n it?

me too. eventhough I am a wise dog, the fact that i am a dog is not changed...

.tody stop here 1999/8/21.

here, me !! I am typing a computer.... eventhough I am a dog, I can see the right and the wrong... They call me dog, but that is my real name, so I call them dogs... .........I am tired.....just a rest.... ...here again.... I know a man, he is my master...short but look healthy,,, 40 years old, man...he is teaching literature in korean university, lecturer. ,, not professor, the cheap money he got was got by his wife...young but fat.. much fat than you think.. anyway he is sometimes very kind to me... but sometimes not... I do not understad his acting.. ........ now see you later.... so long time no see you, so do not believe me, belive yourself who are always believable...If you can believe, then believe, that is good and a good person..... My master always think so much like me, I know it is not so good action.. But think that Not to think is good?, it is also not so good action. I am waiting for my master coming back from school.. He does not go to school every saturday and sunday.... He is a good man, I think. He does not study hard, but he did when he was young, I heard from him. ...not studying university lecturer, but he teachs greatly, wisely, I imagine his teaching from his usual talking attitude... ...My English is good?, understand me, because I am a Korean dog... hey hou about resting again!! ............................ today is 1999/8/30...from seoul in Korea.. Today My master went to school to teach something in Korean university. I do not know what he teaches...but imagine the literature or language.. He looks like being tired out today, I imagine too, that the buses and cars so crowded, bad air, no rain in summer city seoul, dry, hot... Oh, poor my mater, I rested enough at home today, just looking outdoor.. some barking to the bad men....It was my happy to barking, because I am a dog, not god.. interesting? NO, understand me, I am a dog writer... see you soon !! Hey, boys and girls, sorry, man and woman!! I wanted to meet you here again. not so much but a little wanted.. I am sorry for my master's poorness... He got tired out, too, today... and so, why does he continye to teach? for money, Yes that is the real thing,,,,I f he can live without with his family, He will not teach, I know it... To teach Korean university students is so tired job, I think so... Why? KOrean and Korea and Korean students and korean trafic is tough and crowed...no manner 9/10 are bad, just 1/10 is good.. ......see you later.. I am glad to meet you again, eventhough You are a human. I think My master's unhappiness is from the his birth... I do not know what happened to him, just I think so. Hot summer continues in 1999/8 Korea. Long time to see you... about 3 days? during that days, I cleaned up my home, even dog's house, I think It is good to clean, so I must live well, with good and so many bad mens. I know that when the leaders are good leaders, peoples are so good, but The leaders are leading badly, so the people are confusing themselves everyday. At the dog's world, the power is the only thing, so same to men's world today....I am sorry and sad for that. I think My master is week, so He looks like being tired out everyday. I think the power of thinking is not so strong....The man and the dog are same at that point... hu, hu.... do not like to hear my HU, HU? Yes, OK, I will stop, but that is my way to live, must to live on that.. Sorry. ..But sometime I will use it again... I met a man who is bad. I said first 'hellow, is not hot today?" But he did not answer me anything, one word. , but just he put up his pants, like feeling hot with no manner. I did not said to him again. Turning back my home, I felt badly, but I thought he will not sleep well today because of his mind of nature.... Am I a dog? or a man? huhu... Me and my master are the same as calm animal. I am barking for my master. Barking to bad men for good men. So I always feel tired myself. But nobody knows it except my master. HuHU,the bad women and bad men? there are no animals who called the bad animal, except human. Hey, You think that the human and the animal are the same, so no bad and no good things left? are left? hey Man, Did you pick up the bag of poor old man or woman at the station? I am not taliking about steeling, but just helping the poor and the old!! HUHU, You did not and do not so..... huhu, I am a dog like a man smart... The leaders are sometimes very smart boys, but not good boys with good heart!! I am barking to men only with the bad !! huhu... Long time no see you again. I do not want to be a man. I know enough well about man's world. that sad, bad world..... do you envy the dog's world? No.? Yes? My master drinks everyday, day and noght, not so much, just a half of bottle.. The Korean wine, Macgully is the only happy thing to my master, I know it.. the fact that sad fact !! Of course, he somkes, 15/20 in one pack. a day. Sometimes, My master said to me, "I want to be a dog like you." But is it true, you think?, NO, I am not. The dog's world is also rough, too. so wild, I must meet the wild cat and big dog in front of me everday and night!! huhu... DO I live like a brave dog or a just silent dog? which is good? Do not ask 'which'? OK. Both of them will be fine or bad.. TIRED? or not?
huhu, Rested? But At last..... One rainy nighty night.. The master did not come back home, so late. This not barve dog was at the outside, to find his master.... I thought that my master was so drunken, so not came back until 12 o'clock. The traffic accident to him? I was a little frighten, so I must find my master, so I became brave like this. I believe my master, but... I always believe the strong good man!! Today is 1999/9/25.....so late rainy night... I have never seen the master has come back home after 12 o'clock, these days.. In the heavy rain, I can not find my master......Where is he, on earth? Woa! Ye, I know my master's the lonesome and the poor and the justice!! But where is he now? I have already come around the dirty city several times from 12 o'clock..... Waited? No? yes... I was busy, to find my master.. still busy now in the heavy rain... I found at last something, lay on the wet black way.....THE MASTER!!!.... He was not moving at all, I smelt up the smell of the beer, the wine, Macgully(Korean wine) of the master.. I'd like to cry out..... MY master's face looked like crying, the sad.... I sat aside of my master, to heat up my mater's cold body...., so cold like the ice, so cold.......so cold and so sad.....under the cold heavy rain.............. ...to be ended....


Korean Fiction in Korean!! ...........


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