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HITS SINCE 1999/12  -- KOREAN SHORT STORY-- By YeungKwan, Kim-- ..'Hunchback' published with CD in Slovakia, 1999...

 ----------  Hunchback  ------------[HUNCHBACK]

------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ----  Yeungkwan kim (Korean novelist)---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------  _______________________________________________________
"HEORIBARAM" -Yeungkwan Kim's fiction- ISBN 89-7954-002-7 ... I did not think that there would be such a place in seoul. It was not human zone. The houses were too small, too poor to live in. The hunchback, one-handed man, beggars, poor people... they were living there. They earned for a day, they lived for a day. I was just a working man, and came here a few days ago, to search for a room to live. I am over 30 years old, but could not marry. I drank and gambled with construction crew everyday and had no money. And there was not construction working place during rainy season, July. This town was so dirty, and smelly. So, all I had to do was just to go out, for finding working, and come back, drunkenly. That was better than, just staying at that town. Last spring was good for working men. At that time, I could borrow one good room, and bathe my body in hot water. But here, I cannot help imagining that good time. I never knew that there would be such a town in seoul. The hunchback, one-handed man, beggars, such poor people were there, behind the lighting brilliant departments and shopping center, apartments. Why did they live, at such a poor town, in poorness? Even though the rich people boast themselves, the world shouts out battle-cry, their spirits are rotten, worse than the poor people. When I went to work, for the rich people, I thought their bodies and spirits were deformed. The rich men could not step lightly, healthily. they did not think wisely, and young rich boys girls were unsound, talked garrulously. When I worked at their house. carrying blocks, repairing the roof, painting the wall, I watched the rich people, enough, they dare not told me, anything. They drank foreign water, beers, but they did not give me a glass of water. Sometimes the house keeper gave me a cup of coffee, It smelt fur-scorching smell, thirstier, so, I drank a glass of cold water. But it was strange to me that this poor town was more peaceful on mind, better than the rich, except noise, dirt. Uneasiness and unrest was less, at this poor town than the rich town. Is it my superiority feeling, better than the hunchback, one-handed man, beggars? I was not healthy, out-look was so, so, but inside was bad. My face was changed white by a cup of alcohol. Nothing to do, no work no pay, I drank and smoked everytime, so became thin. I lost the taste of meal. During rainy season, this poor town was a hell to me. Not paved lane was full of the mud and dirt. But the children of this town were playing in the muddy place, and the hunchback and one-handed man were laughing and chatting each other below the eaves. Yes, there is happiness, I thought so more and more. Than the harden, not telling faces of the rich people, here the poor people's faces were the faces of the children. One day, The hunchback and the one-handed man were playing korean chess on the outside korean flat wooden bed below the eaves. The rainy season gone, and hot summer has come. I watched them playing the chess each other. And the poor houses stuck to each other too, so I thought that those were the same with the rich apartments, villas in complex seoul. In korean chess-board, the hunchback was putting the one-handed man's all chessmen to one side. The one-handed man without right hand was playing with his left hand, just handling the hunchback's dead chessmen upside down. The hunchback was smoking a cheap cigarette, 25cent Sol, and smiling, just like winner, and said, "Hey, you have to buy macgully(Korean wine)!, ha- ha- ha-." The one-handed man, looked like over 40, drew one cigarette from the hunchback's Sol, instead of chessman, and said, "Don't chat, just give me your lighter!" I thought that It was better to redraw this place, than to help the one-handed man, because he was angry at the chess, a little. It seemed that the hunchback would win the one-handed man. Son of beach! It was very hot. And there was no work. And, in seoul, there were so many cars around this poor town. The evening sky looked yellow with dust and smog. It was not such sky that I had seen in child time. I could not find the sun because of the buildings, and no clouds, just the yellow and red smog and dust was covering the city. I coughed, and when I smoked, I coughed out black phlegm, felt nausea much. In the hot summer city with dust and smog, nobody could breathe well, and I thought that somewhere, somebody was going to be dead in this city. Because the small electric fan like hand was blowing the hot wind in my small room, I could not sleep, lf there were not the outside korean flat, wooden bed, at the lane, in front of one-handed man's house. I could not meet the hunchback and one-handed man well at night, around the outside korean flat, wooden bed, because they slept at their house with their families. While I was sleeping on that outside bed, I just saw the small dirty grey sky, which I did not want to. Across the narrow lane, there was a very small out-door and outside toilet, just to fit the hunchback, going into and coming out. But a man people who had his outside toilet belonged to the rich, because all the people should go to the common toilet. I never went to that common toilet, It was dungy toilet with a mountain of dung. So I had to walk 10 minutes, to go to a modern wash-room of large building. 'I have to leave this town' I thought that. But there was no place where I could go, and could not find the cheap room, because I had no money, except paying 100$ monthly, to this rent room. But even though I should sleep in the subway or the street, I wanted to leave. The hunchback and one-handed man earned their living, receiving 100$ a month from the government, their wives were pedlars, doing chores, odd jobs. Their children were dirty, but always bright and healthy. But I knew that these children would be changed, at the age of puberty, so they would be treasonous, because of the poverty, contempt from society, and their parents's invalid. The most dangerous time was the age of puberty, to these healthy children. They easily become vagrants, criminals, because of the hypocrisy and dirty money of the rich and authority. Money, money, money... It was said that the people to have money became not guilty, the people to have no money became guilty. It got cool everyday, cold in the morning and at night. So I've not frequently seen the hunchback and one-handed man. But the day, when I was drunken much, I walked along the lane, and slept on the outside flat, wooden bed. While sleeping, I heard the sound of autumn rain and raindrop, from the eaves, thought 'I have to leave this town quickly'. ...... 'How many times run?'........ .......I heard something. "Oh, why this man is sleeping here? It's raining!" It was like the voice of the hunchback..... "Yes, we have to move him, to his room."..... It seemed like, the one-handed man...... "No, No,.." I was grumbling, drunken. At the time, somebody carried me on his back. Even though I was drunken, I knew that he was the hunchback, because my cheek was pushed by the peak, like camelback. And then, somebody was supporting me, with one hand, not two hands, I thought he was the one-handed man. It seemed that my room was lit up, the hunchback laid me on the ground of room. I grumbled, drunken, "No.. no, get away, go away!" "Yes, young man, be careful, yourself...... Let's go." "Ok. This man will be all right tomorrow morning, let's go....." They were the hunchback and the one-handed man. I shouted, again, "Go away! Get away! This, ...sick... invalid...., son of beach!" "........Hey....we... let's go out......." They said quietly, went out, but I was drunken so much, so slept again, until next morning. In the next morning, I just remembered their last saying.... '.......Hey.....we....let's go out....' -----the end---
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IN Korean !! 2000/7
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HUNCHBACK(published with CD in Slovakia,1999) By Korean novelist Yeungkwan Kim